Boyser s.r.o.

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Measuring and Regulation

Boyser s.r.o. – division of MaR, Prešov - measuring and regulation equipment

Measuring and regulation is nowadays essential part of each company within its efficiency, economical and proper functionality. All the manufacturing processes have different control systems that are connected to various sensors of flow, pressure, temperature and others. More and more manufacturing companies are interested in solving a complex process equipment requirements by ordering technology and management systems from one supplier. Division MaR gives you a separate devices, but also the whole technology including project documentation, supply of equipment for example: apparatus for measuring of process variables, control system or other, installation, set up, commissioning and start up, complex testing, training of staff, inspection and project documentation of complete technology.

A list of some major manufacturers whose components we recommend and deliver:

Another area of our activities is supply of a complete cooling technologies and their main part, the source of cold, cooling device called a chiller or cooler. Chiller is a device that is used for cooling, for heating, or for technologies such as a cooling circuit. In this field we cooperate with leading global manufacturer of cooling equipment and cooling units.

Meranie a regulácia Meranie a regulácia
Meranie a regulácia Meranie a regulácia
Meranie a regulácia Meranie a regulácia

Our portfolio includes repair of control systems, design of control systems, implementation of control systems with a complete supply as required by end user.

Meranie a regulácia Meranie a regulácia
Meranie a regulácia Meranie a regulácia
Meranie a regulácia Meranie a regulácia

We offer both design and technical solution for your measurement or control, but also supply of the whole technology - Measurement and control „All by One“.

Keywords / Tags: frequency converters, soft starters, electromotors, gearboxes, pressure sensors, pressure gauges, thermometers, temperature sensors, thermocouples, control systems, Simatic components, level sensors, level gauges, pneumatic components, electrocomponents, actuators, pneumatic actuators, valves, safety elements, recorders, controllers, analyzers, spare parts and others.

Brochure Boyser s.r.o., Prešov
Measurement and control ( PDF | DOCX )

Questionnaire Boyser s.r.o., Prešov
Flow measurement - Technical specifications ( PDF | DOCX )

Questionnaire Boyser s.r.o, Prešov
Level measurement - Technical specifications ( PDF | DOCX )

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Boyser s.r.o.
Mlynská 8, 082 21 Veľký Šariš, Slovakia

Phone: +421 948 210 705, Mobile: +421 902 974 213
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